New Member Information


If you are a Psychiatric Social Worker, Mental Health Clinician, or Mental Health Service Coordinator I, AFSCME Local 2712 is the union that is proud to represent you!


  • Negotiate our contract or MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
  • Establish and protect the conditions under which you work.
  • Negotiate salaries
  • Vet proposed policies that might impact you
  • Assist in filing and hearing grievances
  • Provide representation and ensure due process during investigations and disciplinary actions
  • Take legislative and political action to protect your pension and other benefits
  • Sponsor a members-only chat group for mutual information-sharing and support
  • Provide a variety of members-only discounts
  • To choose CAPE/Blue Shield as your medical coverage you must be a union member

More information about our local can be found at:

More information about Council 36 can be found at: or download the new employee packet here: PDF icon New Employee Packet

The Executive Board members of Local 2712 are elected by the members, are/have been line workers just like you and understand your concerns. Your Executive Board members are:

PRESIDENT - Teddy McKenna, PSW II Full-time with Local 2712, formerly of Juvenile Court MHS and Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall. Contact: [email protected]

VICE-PRESIDENT - Hector Martinez, PSW II Augustus Hawkins MH
Contact: [email protected]

Contact: [email protected]

RECORDING-SECRETARY - Joy Burgner, PSW II Dorothy Kirby Center
Contact: [email protected]

MEMBER-AT LARGE - Alex Elliott, PSW I Administration
MEMBER-AT LARGE - Amanda Garrick, PSW II Court Linkage
MEMBER-AT LARGE - Beni Hernandez, PSW II Augustus F. Hawkins
MEMBER-AT LARGE - Liza Pershing, MH Transformation Advocate, SPAs 1 & 2

Local 2712 has trained a number of our members, some of whom are also Executive Board members, to act as Shop Stewards to help resolve member grievances. If you have a question, and have a steward at your site, you may contact that steward for assistance. If you do not have a steward at your site, contact [email protected] or [email protected] to be connected to one.

Your shop stewards are:

ARCADIA MHC Cliff Chinfoo, PSW II [email protected]
AUGUSTUS HAWKINS Beni Hernandez, PSW I [email protected]
AUGUSTUS HAWKINS Hector Martinez, PSW II [email protected]
CCR/SPA 4 Ike Mendoza, PSW II [email protected]
COURT LINKAGE Amanda Garrick, PSW II [email protected]
SPECIALIZED FOSTER CARE Betsy Hammonds, MHC II [email protected]
SPAs 1 & 2 Liza Pershing, PSW II [email protected]

While ideally your first contact for any union matter should be a Union Steward or Board member, our District Council provides us with a professional Business Rep, whom you may also contact for questions, concerns, and assistance.

Our Business Rep is:
Igor Kagan
[email protected] (626) 780-4140

All unions gain strength from an active membership. There are a variety of ways to be involved: as an Executive Board member; as a Steward; by participating in ad hoc committees; and/or by being a point person for distributing flyers.

To join: Complete and return the membership enrollment card in this packet to [email protected] or sign up online at:

Dues are ¾ of 1% of your monthly salary, deduced in two increments, half of that on the 15th and the other half on the 30th of the month. Any questions about enrolling, contact [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]

Since the pandemic started, we moved from in-person meetings to a series of ad hoc Zoom meetings, primarily SPA, site, or sector (e.g., Juvenile Justice) focused. Please feel free to request a meeting to meet your needs, and we will keep you posted on upcoming Town Halls or membership meetings.

And WELCOME! to Local 2712!